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Your questions answered...

Cute Girl

How do I find you?

The chapel is situated in the heart of the village of Swanton Abbott, on the corner of The Street and Crossroad.  If you visit the Contact Us section of our website, you will find a map to guide you.  Parking is at the village hall at the end of The Street - just a short walk away.  

What religion /  denomination are you?

We are a Christian church, following the teachings of Jesus Christ in the bible.  We don't have a denomination - we suppose you could call us a free evangelical church.  We belong to the Evangelical Alliance.

Do I need a faith or previous church experience to come along?

Absolutely not!  You don't need to know anything about the Christian faith, and you can feel at home with us wherever you are at on your journey to discovering who Jesus was.   We welcome anyone who wants to come and find out what we believe and why.

What time should I arrive on a Sunday?

The Sunday service starts at 11am, and we are usually finished by 12.15.  Why not come for 10.15am and enjoy our free refreshments?  It's a great way to meet people and you don't have to stay on for the service if you'd rather not. 

Do I need to bring money?

There is no charge for any of our services or events.  We do have a box, at the front of the chapel, for donations from those who want to give to the ongoing work of the chapel, and to give towards charities we support.   There is no obligation for anyone to give, and we don't always mention it in the services.  However, if you'd like to give, and you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim the tax you have paid on your gift.  Just ask for a Gift Aid form.  

What happens when I arrive?

You will be given a warm welcome and the opportunity to enjoy a cuppa and chocolate biscuits!  There are no reserved seats, so just sit wherever you feel comfortable.

What happens in the service?

You may hear someone sharing their story about faith, and how that impacts their life.  We sing worship songs (traditional & contemporary) - we are sure you will find the singing joyful, the music uplifting, and the worship refreshing.  We have a time of prayer where someone leads us as we talk to God - but you don't have to take part.  We also have a short talk about a topic in the bible, or looking at a book in the bible, in today's language.  Sometimes we share communion together, with bread (gluten free) and wine (with alcoholic & non alcoholic options).  This helps us remember Jesus' death on the cross.  If you'd rather not take part in communion, or don't know if you should, then simply pass it by and don't feel any embarrassment.

Will I have to take part?

No, you can just sit and watch.  Simply come and enjoy being with us, and watching what we do.  You're free to leave the service or event at any point too.

What should I wear?

You will see people wearing everything from jeans and t-shirts to smarter clothes, and maybe a suit.  It's not about what you look like or wear.  Come as you are and as you feel comfortable.

Are children welcome?

Of course!  We have a play mat with toys for little ones, play bags to take to your seat, and activities for all ages that follow the theme of the service where possible.  They are very welcome.  We also have baby changing facilities.

Is there disabled access?

Yes we have ramped access to the chapel, and a disabled access toilet.

Sunday services

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