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Sunday services 
11am - 12.15pm unless stated otherwise
with refreshments from 10,15am  

Family Fun! @ 2.30pm

29th Sept  Christian Entertainer John Hardwick comes to the chapel with cheeky Charlie - an opportunity not to be missed.  See our special events page.  No morning service.

Compassion UK visit - Matthew 25, verses 31 - 46

6th Oct  Hear about the work of Compassion UK -  and we will introduce you to our child we will be sponsoring and supporting!   In Matthew 25, Jesus says "whatever you did for the least of these, you did it for me". 


Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth - John chapter 4, verse 24

20th Oct  Roger Jones, Director of Christian Music Ministries, composer, keyboard player and worship leader, leads our worship and some teaching with Ray Horne on What is true worship?

What has God given you?  Exodus chapter 4 


27th Oct  Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Sunday - join us as MAF visit us, tell us about their life saving work as a Christian charity, and challenge us from God's word.   MAF flies in help and hope to people who would otherwise be unreachable.  

New series in the book of Acts

  3rd Nov  Jesus ascends into heaven   Acts 1, verses 1 - 11

17th Nov  Chosen to serve   Acts 1, verses 12 - 26

24th Nov The baptism of the Holy Spirit   Acts 2, verses 1 - 21

Remembrance Sunday - Lest we forget

10th Nov  Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  John chapter 15, verse 13  

An opportunity to remember those who have died in service, to pray for those still suffering the effects of war, and to focus on Jesus, who gave himself as a sacrifice for us all.


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